Hook Reference


The plugin includes several action hooks that you can use to add additional content (or execute functions) in various places:

  • sc_before_calendar - Runs before any calendar HTML is outputted
  • sc_after_calendar - Runs after the final calendar HTML is outputted
  • sc_before_event_content - Runs before the content of a single event page is displayed
  • sc_after_event_content - Runs after the content of a single event page is displayed
  • sc_event_meta_box_before - Runs at the top of the "Event Details" meta box in the admin
  • sc_event_meta_box_after - Runs at the bottom of the "Event Details" meta box in the admin
  • sc_before_calendar_widget - Runs before the calendar widget HTML
  • sc_after_calendar_widget - Runs after the calendar widget HTML
  • sc_before_event_list_widget - Runs before the event list widget
  • sc_after_event_list_widget - Runs after the event list widget
  • sc_before_category_widget - Runs before the event categories widget
  • sc_after_category_widget - Runs after the event categories widget
  • sc_before_filter_widget - Runs before the event filter widget
  • sc_after_filter_widget - Runs after the event filter widget


The plugin includes several filter hooks that you can use to manipulate the behavior of the plugin:

  • sc_event_list_query - This filter can be used to change the query parameters of the query used to retrieve events for the "Event List" widget
  • sc_event_labels - This filter can be used to change the post type labels for the Events post type
  • sc_event_rewrite - This filter can be used to change the "rewrite" parameter for the Events post type
  • sc_event_supports - This filter can be used to change the "support" attributes for the Events post type
  • sc_event_category_labels - This filter can used for changing the Event Category labels
  • sc_event_category_rewrite - This filter can be used for changing the "rewrite" parameter of the Events Category taxonomy
  • sc_event_calendar_link - This filter can be used for changing the link inside a Calendar view to a single Event