Creating Events
Creating events is as simple as adding a WordPress post or page.
From your WordPress Dashboard, click on Calendar and Add New.
On this page, you will be presented with the normal WordPress editor. Fill in the event title, details, and featured image (if desired).
If you wish, you can categorize your event into appropriate sections. When showing event calendars, you have the option of limiting the calendar to only show events from specified categories.
The Duration fields should be set to the day, month, and year that the event occurs. The time fields should then be set to the time of the day that the event starts and the time of day (or night) that the event ends.
If this is a recurring event, click on the Recurrence tab and select the appropriate details. Events can recur daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. An end date can also be selected.
A location is optional and can be entered by clicking on the Location tab. Here you may enter the details that pertain to the events location.
When you are finished adding in all information, click "Publish", or "Update" if you are modifying an existing event.